Friday, August 11, 2017

Chaos in the calm sea of thoughts

There are days in your life where thoughts just crowd your mind. You do not know where to focus. You do not know what to do. Memories come one after another, like the waves in the sea. You could make a whole story out of it. But if somebody read your story they might just think that you are utterly mad.

I am planning to write a book again. But the problem is that when I write something, I get a story for another book. This cycles keeps repeating and I am not able to finish even a book. It is been more than 8 months after my first book got published. Yes I am a lazy and lost writer. I have few fans. But I am not writing anything for anyone. I am writing to understand myself. Every time I write something I am able to see the deep views in my mind. It is said that, the thoughts inside you shapes your individuality. So if you really want to know who you are, just witness your thought attentively. You will be able to decide soon.

See I am not having a topic for one discussion. I am dragging you from one topic to another, just like my thoughts. There is nowhere to go and no necessity to reach anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Something realistic and how nature can be the base of it
